Ready to improve professional and family online security?

Being safely online is easier than most think.

Simple common sense steps for all:

  • Different emails for different purposes
  • Pay for your email
  • Register a personal domain

As little as $1 a month can significantly increase your online security.  Begin below or visit PPemail for more.

Who/What brought you here?
    (Check any that apply.)

How shall we contact you?  Entry in both fields required.  Enter “1234567890” for phone if prefer only email contact.

Contact Mail


Contact Phone

Contact information is used ONLY to fulfil your request.

We recommend creating at least two, possibly three, email addresses then designate each for a different purpose.  Create one today; enjoy better security for years.

Create a “PRIVATE” email, used with only family and close friends.

Examples: _

Create a “PUBLIC” email, used on social media, subscriptions, discount programs…

Examples: _

Create a “PROFESSIONAL” email, used for career, peer-to-peer, …

Examples: _

Ameliour Innovation also provides services specialised for families and individuals.

Request additional internet and web services.

  • PPenet: Register domains, design & host web sites

  • PPemail: Modify existing or request additional emails

  • PPecloud: Arrange digital file storage and sharing

Check the box to receive information.

Domain Name Registration

Enter a unique yet memorable domain name (with variations), select an associated TLD, and note the primary use.

Check the box to receive information.

Email Address Management

Enter a full address in a box to request new email.  Use an existing domain or request a new domain on .

Select “Reveal” for trial Dropbox access code. Scan QR or select PPecloud to open web broswer.  Follow instructions to upload.

Online Digital File Management

‍PPecloud provides digital storage for convenient access and sharing of files.  Tick the appropriate boxes.

Review & Submit

Your requested services are ready for submission. 

The requested services are activated upon review.  Look for instructions or followup questions at the contact(s) provided.  Contact us if over a day.

We never commoditise members’ personally identifiable information (see the policy).

Who/What brought you here?
    (Check any that apply.)

Copyright, ㊢ 2016 - PPemail.  All rights reserved. Ameliour Innovation.

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