PPemail developed PPecloud for all members to securely store and share documents without obtrusive ads or questionable privacy agreements. PPecloud uses Nextcloud’s trusted products and guarantees no scanning or tracking what is shared or with whom. Use PPEcloud to
In the digital world, especially, professionals need ready access to their files across
The files need to be securely shareable, too, with colleagues, clients, or whomever.
Professionals can use the ‘free’ sites but suffer compromised credibility and lessened professional trust. Most the free sites earn money from advertisements, scanning files for targeting advertisement, or selling usage data to third parties. Don’t believe us, read their Terms of Service to see their (lack of) privacy policies. Also, visit the independent analyses sites for reviews, linked here for your convenience.
Create your account with PPemail (use “Create Your ID” button) and you’ll receive an account on PPecloud too. We provide specific instructions. Direct your browser to ppecloud.net to login.
UPDATED NOVEMBER 2024: We use Matomo Web Analytics’ privacy-focused tools to help provide a private, secure, high-quality, and well-functioning website. We use only the tools essential to provide the services and never commoditise your personal data. Continuing on the site affirms your acceptance of these policies.
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