Privacy Archive

Our Privacy Statement with the historical record.

Privacy Policy

Our business model is to provide quality service to professionals.  Because clients pay for our services, by contract we do NOT commodify their activity.  For as long as we are in business, PPemail will

  • never scan emails, 
  • never track activity across sites, 
  • never sell your data.

Any personal data received are deleted as soon as service is completed.  Some submitted content is retained (in email form) for historical purposes i.e., confirm membership, service request, etc.

The website server records standard data to observe general trends (e.g., devices used, platforms, regional location) but no personal data are collected.

We don’t use Google Analytics.


Presently, uses no cookies on this website, except the one to record that you accept/reject our policy of using NO cookies.  (Yes, this should puzzle you: a cookie used to prevent cookie use🤔.  Such is the current state of (il)logic in our digital world.  Most just click away; but some of us don’t.  PPemail is for those who don’t simply ‘click’ through life.)

The website may begin using cookies sometime; but it will be ONLY to better our site NOT track its visitors.  The Cookie Banner will appear again to signal the change.  Regardless, our privacy commitment will continue to shape all decisions.

The login-able sites associated with PPemail ( & Webmail) may use convenience cookies, but not tracking ones, as described at those sites.

Please report any shortcoming you discover and we’ll fix asap.  Contact our security manager.  Thanks!

Whatever your career.  Wherever you take it.  PPemail goes too.

©, 2016 - PPemail. All rights reserved. Ameliour Innovation, LTD

UPDATED  NOVEMBER 2024: We use Matomo Web Analytics’ privacy-focused tools to help provide a private, secure, high-quality, and well-functioning website.  We use only the tools essential to provide the services and never commoditise your personal data.  Continuing on the site affirms your acceptance of these policies.

Accept:  Site

uses NONE